Sofaz - concerts and tour dates

Unfortunately, we don't have information about any events with the artist yet. Please visit the official pages below to check it out.

Similar artists: Mojo

Past events

19 Jul 24, Fri, 20:00
📍 Parterre du Quartier des spectacles
12 Jul 24, Fri, 18:00
📍 Chateau Rouge
17 May 24, Fri, 21:00
📍 La Jonquille
04 May 24, Sat, 19:00
📍 Théâtre de la Complicité
12 Apr 24, Fri, 18:00
📍 Le Phénix
08 Feb 24, Thu, 20:00
25 May 22, Wed, 19:00
📍 Buena Vista Aquatic Recreational Area
20 May 22, Fri, 21:15
📍 Boom Boom Room